August 12, 2015

Visualization @ Home

Not sure how I feel about this, but once again I am providing testimony to how much of a geek I am. Although, sometimes being a geek pays off in big ways...

Take a look at the "highlight table", or as many like to mistakenly call it, the "heatmap".

I dug this "goodie" up this morning. A few years back now, my wife and I were in the market for a new home. We had our favorites but we still had a list of 11...and unfortunately, could only afford one.

I’ve fudged the numbers in all columns for the sake of not wanting to disclose information regarding our personal finances, but the point is not lost…This nifty lil’ visual helped me land our best option, House E (all green), which happened to be my #1 choice.

This is no small feat. Let me key in something here. Without being able to SHOW my wife how the houses stacked up, here is what our analysis may have looked like:

Anyone care to wager which house we would have moved into?

3 years later…couldn’t possibly be happier with our data-driven decision. Coincidence? I like to think not.


Kevin Taylor